
Welcome to the Queanbeyan District Primary School’s Sports Association website. Our district covers twelve schools and we are part of the Tablelands Zone School Sports Association. Our Queanbeyan PSSA schools include;

Braidwood, Bungendore, Captains Flat, Finigan SoDE, Jerrabomberra, Googong, Gundaroo, Queanbeyan East, Queanbeyan Public, Queanbeyan South, Queanbeyan West, Sutton and Tirriwirri SSP.

District Meetings are held once a term and member schools come together to organise Queanbeyan District PSSA carnivals & team trials. All notices of motion must be forwarded to the district President & Secretary at least 2 weeks before a meeting for distribution to member schools. This is to allow for school-based discussion before a district meeting.

For information about sports played in the Queanbeyan District, please initially make contact with the sports coordinator at your school. Other information can also be obtained through the convener of the sport. Contact details for the conveners of each sport are available on the sports pages of this website or through the calendar.

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